一時帰宅21時22時半 帰宅3時半 就寝5時 起床9時半 Now I write an article about children's comprehension of relative clause. The deadline is the end of this month. So I'm busy... 本日も寝坊です.すいませんすいません.
一時帰宅21時-23時 帰宅4時半 就寝5時 起床10時 Yesterday I send email one company. I checked the documents repeatedly, although the daealine of paper submission comes. なんだか疲れているのでこの辺で.
帰宅21時 就寝12時半 起床7時半 I was going to lab. again last night. But I could not go there. My mind was defeated by my body. My split became a poor and pitiful slave of my flesh like beast... Because I'm human, I never be a slave of desi…
一時帰宅21時ー23時 帰宅3時 就寝4時 起床8時 Now I am in the car licence center. There is a man sleeping by my side. The atomosphere he wears makes me nurvas. The reason why I'm here due to my lasy. I want back because I'm busy... 免許センタ…
一時帰宅21時-22時半 帰宅6時 就寝6時半 起床10時半 I was surprized so much. The clock pointed 10 o'clock and a half a.m. Yes, I went to bed too late to wake up early. But... In addtion, it surpized me that nobody is in my Lab. when I came to…
一時帰宅18時半22時半 帰宅5時半 就寝6時 起床8時半 Last evening, I missed my lower wisdom teeth. The doctor told me that I feel pain more by the extraction of the teeth than by that of the upper teeth. The profession is true... In addition, …
就寝1時 起床8時 The night before yesterday and last night, I took a public bath and bath in order to warm up my body. Because of the cold of a body, many trouble of body such as, back problem and headache, are caused. By the way, I had a l…
帰宅20時 就寝22時 起床5時 昨日は寝坊したり,なんだか,無為に疲れてたりでふてくされてました.そんでもって帰って飯食ったら寝落ちてました24時ごろに目が覚めたのですが,もうあきらめて寝ました.だから今日は速く来ました.そうです,早く起きた上に…
一時帰宅9時-23時 帰宅3時半 起床8時半 I woke up late this morning too. I think that I indulge myself althoug I rigidify others, including my friends, my girlfriend, my younger colleagues. Last night, I wrote statement of purpose which I'm g…
一時帰宅18時半-22時 帰宅2時 就寝3時 起床9時 I'm late...On the way to lab., I watched the unseen stickers on the garbage bags. They said "These garbage bags are not picked up!". At that time, I found that today is 3rd Octobar and the charge…
起床8時 In these days, there is something wrong with me physically. I want to check my body including blood test. あ,あんまり調子よくない.足も捻挫して痛いし.久しぶりに捻挫とかしたがな.
一時帰宅20時半-23時半 帰宅1時半 起床9時 I felt cold parhaps because I catch cold. And the seasons turn around, then autum and winter have come. I should take care of myself. By the way, I try to judge anything by first source. For example,…
帰宅20時 就寝12時半 起床8時 In recent days, I sleep well. But my brain does not work. Thus, I program interface which show developmental process of word categories today. Gifアニメを張ってみたけど動かないのですねぇ
帰宅20時 就寝23時 起床8時 昨晩は再起動するつもりだったのですが(僕の中で晩に再出勤しないのは水曜と金曜),晩飯後にぶっ倒れるように落ちてしまい,そのままもそもそと布団にもぐりこんで就寝しました.なんだろう?急に何があった? と思ったのですが,…
一時帰宅119時-23時半 帰宅2時半 就寝3時半 起床8時 Recently I often feel "to be chase by anything". For example, some deadline of progress reports, some deadline of documents, some deadline of reading papers, some deadline of promises with m…
起床8時 I grow the perillas (紫蘇). Last year I tried to grow them several times. But many enemies prevent them from growing up. One time slugs, other time salt. However, this year I succeed to grow them to bloom!! Thus I show their pictur…
帰宅20時 就寝22時 起床9時 I was late. Maybe because of tired.
一時帰宅19時-22時半 帰宅2時半 就寝3時半 起床8時 The schedule is ideal! I want to praise myself! I want to keep the schedule. By the way, the expression in my text seems not to develop, I think. The reason, which I consider, is that the inf…
一時帰宅19時-22時 帰宅3時 就寝3時半 起床9時(寝坊) Last night I met my old friend as I have written. I selected a market near my home as the place where we would meet. I told him the place and instructed him to watch (or look carefully) fle…
起床9時 Today's aim is to analyze datum of simulations and to make presentation material. But from pre-analysis, the clasters were not constructed in lex map. Thus, I should tune parameters. In addition I want to read a paper about "The ef…
一時帰宅21-23時 帰宅3時 就寝4時 起床10時 I was late...Recently, I searched parameter sets which enable my model to work well. If all set could not be good, then the model has critical error namely my plan was bad. I was eager... 寝坊しまし…
帰宅19時 就寝1時半 起床8時 My senior at college came to the university, and we ate dinner at Humbarger restaurant. Then I read some article about Williams Syndrome. 疲れてる
一時帰宅20時半-22時 帰宅24時 起床8時 Sometimes, the blues fall in my mind. At that time, there is nothing I can do and I am like a small dry leaf that was blew by storm. My heart was clasped and ruffled like a thin paper. Last night when I…
起床8時 Yesterday afternoon, I came to school to analyze my simulation data. The results were so so but I could not endure to be drowsed, therefore I came back home soon. It is like a dialy of children...orz
一時帰宅21時-23時 帰宅2時 就寝3時 起床8時 I have not played "Gokiburi poker" yet because nobody play with me. In turn, it indicates one sad fact that ... I don't have friends who play the game with me ... 「ごきぶりポーカーがしたいです..…
帰宅20時半 就寝1時 起床10時 ね,寝坊です.ありえないくらい...で,でも,言い訳すると,あれなんですよ.夜中に結構大きい,そう6〜7cmのばかうま見たいな形で,赤黒くて,てかてかしてて,2本の長い触覚があって,カサカサ動く生物が出たのです.5時…
一時帰宅20時半-23時 帰宅1時半 起床8時 In this morning, my younger coleagues made presentations about their researches. We discussed and cheched their materials by today. When I cheked them, I craimed their ppt files and criticized their wa…
一時帰宅20時半-22時半 帰宅26時半 就寝27時 起床8時 I am tired of my blog's logo. Surely I love "Hyakutaro", although... I feel sad to see him everytime when I open my blog. I want to change the logo... 百太郎が大好きでもちょっと飽きてきたの…
起床8時 The paper I read yesterday explains about "Grandma cell", which is activated by the particular object (entity?). The existance of grandma cell explains the part of my architecture thus I enjoined to read the papers about grandma ce…
一時帰宅19時半-21時 帰宅24時 就寝2時半 起床9時半 I waked up late...I think because the bizarre habit that is waking up in midnight. Last night, I waked up three or four time. But I cannot understand why I waked up.... 気がつくと9月のイッピ…