

  1. 10-19ページ級
    • 16ページ:The development of verb concepts: Children's use of verbs to label familiar and novel events ( D.A. Behend, 1990)
  2. 20-29ページ級
    • 20ページ:Acquisition of Gender-like noun subclasses in an artificial language: The contribution of phonological markers to learning (P.J. Brooks et al., 1993)
    • 26ページ:Why are some verbs learned before other verbs? Effects of input frequency and structure on children's early verb use (L. Naigles & E. Hoff-Ginsberg, 1998)
    • 27ページ:Frequent frames as a cue for grammatical categories in child directed speech (T.H. Mintz, 2003)
    • 27ページ:Artificial grammar learning by 1-year-olds leads to specific and abstract knowledge (R.L. Gomez & L. Gerken, 1999)
  3. 30-39ページ級
    • 38ページ:Learning nouns and adjectives: A connectionist account (M. Gasser, 1998)
  4. 40-49ページ級
    • 43ページ:When it is better to recieve than to give: Syntactic and conceptual constraints on vocabulary growth (C. Fisher, et al., 1994)

うぉ...並べると結構手ごわいページ数だなぁ...いつも思うんだけど言語系の論文って以上に長い気がする...ページ数を山の標高に直して考えたいものだ...Trends in cognitive sciencesとかは,上記の間に気分転換に読めるから,吉田山くらいだな.散歩気分だ.